TapSwap переносить дату лістингу. Всі коди для щоденних завдань з відео (оновлено на 3 листопада 2024)
Після підтримки проєкту засновником телеграм на офіційному телеграм каналі гри TapSwap з'явилось оголошення про їх плани на майбутнє:
Важливе оновлення!
У нас для вас є погані і справді добрі новини одночасно: наша команда вирішила перенести дату проведення заходу щодо обміну акцій на токени. Ви можете спитати, що в цьому хорошого? Просто FUD?
Не зовсім так. Головне, що ви справді виграєте від цього. Давайте пояснимо, як: Останнім часом навколо Tapswap було багато шуму , особливо з приводу лістингу на біржах першого рівня, величезного падіння та багато іншого. І це не дивно: проект став одним із найбільших гравців у світі, посівши перше місце .
Така увага привертає не лише шахраїв, а й лідерів в індустрії web3. Тож не всі чутки — просто чутки. Команда Tapswap насправді веде активні переговори із біржами першого рівня!
І вони в захваті від вас - нашої спільноти! Хіба це не те, над чим ми невпинно працювали разом? Однак цей успіх пов'язаний із деякими «незручностями». Такий рівень уваги вимагає набагато детальнішої роботи над токеномікою та правильною стратегією запуску. А це означає додатковий час.
Але знайте, що все це для того, щоб гарантувати, що наш запуск у третьому кварталі буде справедливим і, що важливіше, прибутковим для всіх вас, хто підтримує нас, незважаючи ні на що.
Отже, як ви бачите, є багато причин бути щасливими щодо цієї зміни. І зовсім скоро ми дамо вам ще важливіші новини про наше майбутнє, партнерства рівня 1 і самого дропу!
Ми дійсно цінуємо вашу підтримку. І ми дійсно прислухаємося до ваших відгуків, тому не забудьте поділитися ними в коментарях на X. Разом ми продовжимо досягати більш високих рівнів!
Якщо коротко:
Заробити можна буде вже аж в 3 кварталі (липень-вересень 2024 року). Тому, у Вас ще є час доєднатись, якщо гадали, що вже пізно. Не забувайте скористатись нашим гайдом по прокачці.
Нові завдання та код відео:
Також, Tapswap додав нове щоденне завдання, де треба подивитись відео та ввести код на сторінці завдань. За це можна отримати додаткові 200 000 монет.
Всі можливі коди до відео станом на зараз, котрі оперативно публікувались в телеграм-каналі:
1) Watch the First Video - 739002
2) Watch New Video - 5
3) Learn What the Ton is - 548719
4) Watch The First Token Video - код не потрібен
5) Tapswap Education - 030072
6) New in the Crypto World - 739551
7) Learn 5 Crypto Terms - 2614907
8) Tapswap education what the Bitcoin is? - D57U94
9) How earn money on Crypto - genesis
10) Drop and Rises - 27F53K9
11) 5 Ways Of Make Money On Cry - encryption
12) Memes and..... - 4D80N74
13) Get started in crypto - TRIBALISM
14) 8 Warren Buffet… - ABENOMICS
15) Fake news - G5D73H20
16) Cryptocurrency worldwide - 3PM71AK03X, delisting
17) Learn 10 New… / 10 Crypto terms — collateral
18) Top 10 Crypto Billionaires 2024 - L6SE704V81
19) How Cryptocurrency Works - fibonacci
20) Tapswap: curious facts. Top 7 most expensive NFT - F35K90V3
21) What is bitcoin? the simplest explanation - liveness
22) Hot Crypto News - 5J6OL847G7
23) The most DANGEROUS crypto - RANSOMWARE
24) TapSwap Education - 4K7U6E10G7
25) What are NFTs - tardigrade
26) TapSwap AMA - F9L34V5A
27) How Elon Musk - unbanked
28) Financial face-off - D5784VHPC377
29) 7 AI tools - infinite
30) The dark side - 5SP670KR66
31) Cryto isn’t real - parachain
32) Unlocking the feature - D772WQ9Z5
33) How to make - instamine
34) USDT vs USDC - 7N008TQ31V
35) Without this knowledge - WebSocket
36) Crypto revolution - 0TJN63R97A
37) Top 15 Crypto News - 3KKLF7JO5
38) How to make 10x - Onchain
39) Bitcoin integration - 547JL6AM7R
40) Earn to airdrop - tendermint
41) Delicious Crypto news - Q7P9N3VD
42) Passive income ideas - renewable
43) Top 10 Bitcoin whales - 5G36SQ
44) Ethereum Will Be Worth $20,000! What Is Ethereum? - emission
45) Top 10 Bitcoin whales part 2 - 27MZ
46) Secure your crypto - 5WH71
47) How blockchain ACTUALLY work - marlowe
48)Secure your crypto part2 - 0P6E
49) If I Wanted to Become a Millionaire In 2024 - function
50) Secure Your Crypto: CEX vs. Self-Custodial - 1T89G
51) how to stay productive - quantum
52) Secure Your Crypto part 2: CEX vs. Self-Custodial - L3AE7
53) 10 websites to earn money - watchlist
54) Bitcoin Halving: - 7JSZ7
55) If i started from scratch again - farming
56) What CRYPRO To Buy With $50 - hashgraph
57) Bitcoin halving | Part 2 - YK797
58) Where Would I START If I Were Entering Crypto NOW - electrum
59) Earn $2000+ Watching Youtube - immutable
60) Crypto News - 1MH89S
61) Make 500$ A day - backlog
62) Crypto news Part 2 - 7L6PB
63) Make $5,000 per a Month - royalties
64) Ton ecosystem - 8NL6FW9
65) How to farm - timelock
66) Crypto Bots are Scamming - inflation
67) Blockchain secrets - 2V3L5
68) You Will LOSE Your Money - rebalancing
69) Blockchain Secret part 2 - 9SX634
70) 10 Websites That Will Pay You EVERY Day Within 24 Hours - keylogger
71) Shares-to-Token Exchange Delay - 1T75S7
72) How To Get Paid +$750 EVERY 20 Minutes Online - scaling
73) TapSwap Internal News code - 1T75S7
74) Why Are People Going Crazy for NFTs? - 2NV4Z
75) Earn $2,000 Listening to Music for FREE - raiden
76) Today code for Why Are People Going Crazy For NFTs? Part 2 - J9RO8
77) You Will LOSE Your Money - nominators
78) How to Crate Your OWN Coin - payout
79) Bitcoin Update: Mr. Gox Payou - PD9S6HN81M
80) How to make money on stocks - fakeout
81) Hot news! Bitcoin transfers on Telegram! - 5FR63U
82) Make 30$ per word with typin - ledger
83) Cool news! Ethereum decade celebration! Tangem: The Ultimate Wearable Crypto Wallet! - 5L32DN
84) 10 LEGIT APPs That Will Pay You Daily Within 24 HOURS - darknodes
85) TapSwap Education. Part 1 - J386XS
86) How To ACTUALLY Make $12,000/month re-uploading Videos LEGALLY - lambo
87) TapSwap Education Part 2 - 5UY4W1
88) 7 Laziest Ways - replay
89) Make $5,000+ Per MONTH With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing - invest
90) Earn $100 per Day in Telegram | Guide For Beginners - curve
91) Start Your Business Under 10$ - liquid
92) How to spot - lachesis
93) 10 Habits of Millionaires - mainnet
94) How to Make $755 While You Sleep - quorum
95) 10 Best Dropshipping Niches - perpetual
96) Today code for Sell Your Photos for $5 - scam
97) 20 Best YouTube Niche In 2024 Without Your Face - flashbots
98) 5 REAL Apps That Pay You To Walk - capital
99) 10 Best Budgeting Apps - node
100) 15 powerful - long
101) Avoid this - libp2p
102) Earn 300$/Daily from Binance App Without Risk - jager
103) 7 Best Cash Back Apps ( 10 mins) - gwei
104) Make Money Playing Video Games - monopoly
105) High Paying Micro Task Websit - custody
106) $50 Per Survey + Instant Paym - dumping
107) Make your first - moon
108) Travel and earn - bag
109) Passive Income - network
110) Earn $5,000 With Chat GPT! - newb
111) Earn 500$ by Reviewing - fakeout
112) Make REAL MONEY before 2025 - money
113) 15 Time Management Tips - taint
114) Reselling in 2024 - pair
115) Tapswap Update - airnode
116) Make 10 000 in the Tik Tok - payee
117) Top free finance courses - protocol
118) Top futures Proffesions - scamcoin
119) Make Money On Social Media - dyor
120) Phone-Based Side Hustles - liquidity
121) Earning With Affiliate Programs - peg
122) Monetize your blog - phishing
123) Make Money Online - platform
124) How to Earn Free Bitcoin - address
125) How to Start Earning With Airbnb - hacking
126) Monetize Your Hobby - geth
127) Simple Earning on Binance - rekt
128) Open Best Online Businesses! - roadmap
129) How to Make $5000 in a Month on Twitter - abstract
130) Get free gifts using loyalty PR - rebase
131) Make Money From Instagram - account
132) I asked companies for free stuff - affiliate
133) Make money with your car - oversold
134) Millionaire-Making Crypto Exchanges! - honeypot
135) Make $5000 with copy trading on Bybit - gas
136) Stay out of poverty - validator
137) Amazon Success - vaporware
138) Start A Profitable YouTube Channel - virus
139) Facebook Ads Tutorial - volatility
140) Stories Of The Most Famous Crypto Millionaires - volume
141) Selling Your Art Online! - wei
142) Make Money Playing Video Games: Get Paid to Playtest - wallet
143) The Best Side Hustles Ideas! - regens
144) Be Productive Working From Home - whale
145) Make $1000 Per Day - whitelist
146) Make Big Money In Small Town - whitepaper
147)Make Money As A Student - zkapps
148)Top 20 Remote Jobs You Can Get Without Experience - zkoracle
149) Secrets To Secure Business Funding - zksharding
150) Code for Anyone Can Get Rich - honeyminer
151) Achieve Everything You Want - accrue
152) Watch to Get Rich! - regulated
153) Save Your First $10,000 - retargeting
154) Make money Anywhere - restaking
155) Start An Online Business From $0 - whitepaper
156) Amazon Success: How to Make $4000+ a Month in 1 Hour a Day | PART 2 - rust
157) Make Money On Weekends - scrypt
158) $5,000 Month Flipping Items on eBay (FULL GUIDE) - settlement
159) Make $3,000 per Month by Selling - shard
160) Code for Telegram Wallet 2024 - security
161) They Changed Our Lives - tangle
162) How To Retire Early - taproot
163) Top 10 Business Ideas for Digital Nomads in 2024 - shilling
164) Earn $250 Per Hour On Frelance - shitcoin
165)16,000 Per Month With An Online Agency - short
166) Code for Earn $5500 per Month on Text Writing - sidechain
167) Earn $8,000 per Month with Online Courses - signal
168) Top 10 Side Hustles For Busy Professionals - slashing
169) Make $1,000 per A Day by Flipping Domains - slippage
170) Buy REAL ESTATE With ONLY $100 - snapshot
171) Code for Investing In Real Estate With No Money - spac
172) Start Your First Business - gems
173) Start a Successful Online Business - roi
174) Millionaire on a low salary - skynet
175) 5 Remote Jobs for Stay at Home - snapshot
176) Earnings On Launchpad - unconfirmed
177) 7 High Paying Freelance Skills — accountability
178) Make Money With Your Voice - acquisition
179) 10 Best Freelancing Platform - spyware
180) $100,000 by IT Professions With No Code - stablecoin
181) Invest As A Teenager - staking
182) Code for 10 Most Profitable Niches - stroop
183) 4 Business Ideas To Start With 0$ - subnet
184) Make People BUY FROM YOU - substrate
185) Earn $550 Per A Day By Selling ebooks - supercomputer
186) 10 AI Tools That Will Make You Rich - supercycle
187) Websites That will pay you — swarm
188) Lazy Way To Make Money (2025) - capitulation
189) Make Money With Graphic Design - cash
190) Youtube Gaming Channel - cashtoken
191) Earn With Your Smartfone - censorship
192) Make Money by Flipping Furniture - piece
193) Make Money with Your Hobby - graduate
194) Earn $10,000 per Month on Twitch - helpful
195) TikTok in 2024 - morning
196) How to earn $5000 with a drone - tuesday
197) 9 digital product ideas you can sell online - tommorow
198) 10 secret ways to make money on fiverr - kinder
199) Selling your music online - neons
200) Secret crypto project - proof
201) Traffic arbitrage - hashtag
202) Lazy ways to make money - routine
203) Make $100000 with SOCIAL MEDIA - hello
204) Trading FIREX - happy
205) 100000 Followers in 1 month - amazing
206) YouTube shorts - heshday
207) 1000/day with ChatGPT - uzumy
208) Make Money At Any Age - ledhos
209) Selling CANVA Templates - miner
210) Instagram Reels - laugh
211) Selling Your Old Clothes - tested
212) Industries That Make Billionair - hesoyam
213) Languages - facture
214) ASMR content - practice
215) $20,000 A Month From UGC - loser
216) Creating virtual escape rooms - winner
217) Get your dream job - windows
218) How to earn 10000$ with escape rooms - cores
219) Selling your dreams - geforce
220) Creating GIFs - potato
221) Earn Money As A Virtual Friend - bulls
222) Learned To Code In 2 Months - bear
223) 10 Principles Of Leadership : positive
224) Post Unorganical Content - memory
225) Faceless Tik Tok Niches : boost
226) Pros And Cons Of Entrepreneurship - september
227) Get Ahead of 99% of Teenager - open
228 ) Turning Trash Into Art (10 mins) - update
229 ) 🎬 Making Money from Odd Jobs (11 mins) - jingle
230 ) Make Money Creating and Selling Online Quizzes (12 mins) - green
231 ) Create and Sell Printable Coloring Pages (11 mins) - lobster
232 ) 🎬 Make Money With Alibaba (9 mins) - viral
233 ) Monetize Your Spotify Playlists (9 mins) - monetize
234 ) Products That Will Make you a MILLIONAIRE (10 mins) - income
235 ) FUN JOBS THAT PAY WELL (11 mins) - numpad
236 ) Start Your Own Clothing Brand (11 mins) - timer
237 ) Easy Products to Start Dropshipping (10 mins) - newbal
238 ) Earn EXTRA CASH from Home (10 mins) - purple
239 ) Ways To Make Money FAST (10 mins) - waves
240 ) Make MONEY with AR (10 mins) - ifresh
241 ) Selling NOTION TEMPLATES (11 mins) - friday
242 ) Tools For Making Money (11 mins) - october
243 ) Profitable Ways to Use Your Garage for Business (11 mins) - street
244 ) $10,000 a Month with DeFi (12 mins) - position
245 ) Freelance Video Editor (11 mins) - solana
246 ) Earn $8,200 per month (13 mins) - double
247 ) Rich people avoid paying taxes (9 mins) - december
248 ) REAL Profit from Selling VIRTUAL Real Estate (10 mins) - company
249 ) Make Money With 3D Printing (10 mins) - contains
250 ) YouTube WITHOUT MONETIZATION (10 mins) - heets
251 ) Skills That Pay Off Forever (13 mins) - ryzen
252 ) $15,000 on designs for brands (12 mins) - turbo
253 ) Make Money with Customizable Tech Gadgets (11 mins) - gadgets
254 ) Myths About Making Money (11 mins) - about
255 ) Offering Pet Care Services (11 mins) - sanyo
256 ) Trading Mistakes (10 mins) - grapes
257 ) Promote Your Business (10 mins) - keyboard
258 ) Multiple Income Streams (9 mins) - universial
259 ) Instagram Reels VIRAL (10 mins) - monitor
260 ) Affiliate Marketing With AI (10 mins) - lemonade
261 ) Professions That Pay Well (10 mins) - linktg
262 ) Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make (9 mins) - mistake
263 ) It's Time to Quit Your 9 to 5 Job (11 mins) - views
264 ) Create a Successful Business Plan (13 mins) - pending
265 ) TikTok Shop Dropshipping (13 mins) - holland
266 ) Stay Productive as a Solopreneur (11 mins) - mistakes
267 ) Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s (11 mins) - solopr
268 ) Save Money While Traveling (11 mins) - ideas3
269 ) Business Ideas for Students (11 mins) - google
270 ) Spoiler Alert! Who Is Satoshi? | Part 1 (2 mins) - K&(9)
271 ) $500/Day with Google Search (13 mins) - student
272 ) Outsource Effectively (11 mins) - owner
273 ) Use LinkedIn to Grow (10 mins) - career
274 ) Spoiler Alert! Who Is Satoshi? | Part 2 (2 mins) - 6A3=H
275 ) Make Money With GOOGLE (10 mins) - books
276 ) Products to SELL in Fallwinter (10 mins) - products
277 ) Create a Marketing Plan (9 mins) - market
278 ) 5 AI Apps to Automate Your Day (10 mins) - wasting
279 ) Minimalist Budget That Works (8 mins) - budget
280 ) Become a Crypto Ambassador | Part 5 (2 mins) - F5O%3
281 ) Financial Goals to Set in Your 30s (9 mins) - goals
282 ) Own Website With No Coding (10 mins) - website
283 ) Spoiler Alert! Who Is Satoshi? | Part 3 (2 mins) - W3#94
284 ) Online Portfolio That Gets You Hired (10 mins) - hired
285 ) Spoiler Alert! Who Is Satoshi? | Part 4 (2 mins) - L5DC#
286 ) 16 Life Lessons (13 mins) - before
287 ) Dropshipping with AI (13 mins) - dropship
288 ) Best Low-Cost Franchises (12 mins) - sport
289 ) Monetize Your Knowledge (12 mins) - unusual
290 ) YouTube Niches (13 mins) - niches
291 ) Professional Problem Solver (12 mins) - solver
292 ) Milady Maker NFTs Explained | Part 5 (2 mins) - KL4$Y
293 ) Start a Zero-Waste Product Line (11 mins) - waste
294 ) Monetize Your Blog (12 mins) - zeros
295 ) Is Peter Todd Really Satoshi? (2 mins) - V1Y&E
296 ) Twitter Explodes Over HBO's Claim! (2 mins) - JM5@S
297 ) Custom-Made Clothing Line (12 mins) - printing
298 ) PERFECT TEAM For Business (13 mins) - perfect
299 ) 10 Rules of Success - negotiate
300 ) Fake Paparazzi - startn
301 ) Personalized Gift Business - laser
302 ) Cinema code 4 (Oct 31) 🎬 One Person Business - build
303 ) Earn Up to $5,000 as a Crypto Ambassador | Part 1 - 5HD*2
304 ) Quit your 9 - 5 job - strategy
305 ) Antique Furniture for Profit - antique
306 ) Quit your 9 - 5 job - 9E6R&
307 ) Earn Up to 5,000asaCryptoAmbassador∣Part2− E4&3
308 ) Shopify Dropshipping Store - shopify
309 ) Game Playtesting - g8wqa
310 ) Gaming into Cash - l4le1t
311 ) Art Into a Thriving Online Business - k9swd
312 ) Stay Productive - w4h9a
313 ) The Gateway by TON - 8!CV9
314 ) Top Side Hustles - wuhi9t
315 ) Side Hustles in Small Town - hw7qp
316 ) GOAT Token Hits $1B Cap - 35BNY
317 ) Sell Your Art Like a Pro - 4rte2i
318 ) Pudgy Penguins Story | Part 1 - UPD9&
319 ) Successful Remote Work - bl2e1
320 ) Extra Cash for Motivated - elis6t
321 ) Big Earnings in Small Towns - h2it5
322 ) Full-Time Students - 54z1s
323 ) Remote Jobs - zkorac
324 ) Earn Big in Crypto | Part 1 - Q82V%
325 ) Get Funding with No Cash Upfront - zksha
326 ) Become a Crypto Ambassador | Part 4 - К6@40
327 ) Starting from Zero - honeym
328 ) Earn Big in Crypto | Part 2 - 9Q3#G
329 ) Earn Big in Crypto | Part 3 - X5OUT
330 ) Traps Keeping You Poor - regular
331 ) Money From Your Phone - r9es5
332 ) Save Your First $10,000 - retarg
333 ) Zero Investment - 4rwg1
334 ) Make $4,000+ Monthly - r1u5s
335 ) Earn Big in Crypto | Part 4 - ASX6Z
336 ) Simple Side Hustles - ps2ct
337 ) Telegram Wallet - 3s7ec
Треба відкрити всі відео і почекати 15 хвилин, лише тоді вводити коди